Sargent [18] has shown that a linear relation exists between height and logarithm of weight over a fairly wide range of heights (110-160 cm in girls and 110-170 cm in boys). The upper two lines in Figure 2 is such a plot for our subjects through age 20. These appear reasonably ...
Relation Between the Anghe of Shotput and the Maximum Projetile Range田径铅球出手角公式为了解决铅球适宜投出角度公式与实践偏离的问题,采用抛体运动及数学分析的方法探讨了铅球成绩与抛体最大射程的函数关系,得出了最大成绩定理、最佳投出角度公式和最佳出手角度标志线参数式,从数学上证明了"与手角对应的轨...
CSR theory2), these drivers are often confounded in real ecosystems. Agricultural systems in particular, tend to be found on a continuum between low intensity (low disturbance, no nutrient input) and high intensity (high disturbance, such as mowing, and high nutrient input). We ...
The radiation exchanged between the atmosphere and Earth’s surface and the eventual loss to space is in the form of long waves. These long waves are strongly absorbed in the 3- to 8.5-μm band and in the greater than 11-μm range, where vapour is either partly or wholly opaque. As ...
We purposefully sampled 528 trees ranging 5-100 cm diameter at breast height growing in a range of light conditions. Across ten broad-leaved species observed in Sumatra or Kalimantan, a generic relationship was found between light exposure of the crown and a light-dependent a (l) parameter ...
The mean interval between ABI recording and WB-MRA was 16 months (range, 3-24 months). Evaluation The pelvic and leg arteries were divided into nine segments on each side. The pelvic and thigh arterial segments comprised the common iliac (CIA), external iliac (EIA), common femoral (CFA),...
It is based on the relation between the calculated dendrogeomorphic It index and return periods of potential triggering meteorological events. To test this method, we choose the area of the Julian Alps in NW Slovenia (Fig. 1) because of: (i) frequent occurrences of mass movement events, ...
Non-hydraulic root source signaling (nHRS) is a unique positive response to soil drying in the regulation of plant growth and development. However, it is unclear how the nHRS mediates the tradeoff between source and sink at the late growth stages and its
STS muscle power was calculated using the subjects’ body mass and height, chair height and the number of repetitions completed in the 30-s STS test. We found a small albeit significant difference between LEP and unilateral STS power in older men (245.5 ± 88.8 vs. 223.4 ± ...
Yin et al.14 applied recurrent neural networks to this task, which effectively captured the contextual information of smoke long-range movement. Gu et al.15 developed a deep dual-channel neural network and achieved better smoke detection by the concatenation of the sub-network of extracting ...