A small amount of current is also produced when no light is present. Photodiodes may contain optical filters, built-in lenses, and may have large or small surface areas. Photodiodes usually have a slower response time as their surface area increases. The common, traditional solar cell used to...
WILCOX, W. W. An interpretation of the relation between visual acuity and light intensity. Journal of General Psychology, 1936, 15, 405-435.Wilcox, W. W. An interpretation of the relation between visual acuity and light intensity. Journal of General Psychology , 1936, 15 , 405–435....
Intensity thresholds were determined for red and violet light as a function of the area of the stimulating surface for the periphery of the eye. Measurements with red light were made on the fovea. Results show that the thresholds for both fovea and periphery follow a typical course with an in...
Most people will be consciously aware of flicker up to a frequency of about 100Hz, though this will depend on other factors including the amplitude of the flicker, the intensity of the light, the contrast with the background and the field of view. Above about 100Hz most people become progr...
Fibre development of flax in relation to water supply and light intensity, Ann Bot 9: 31-53, 1945.MiLTHORPE, F. L. (1945). Fibre development of flax in relation to water supply and light intensity. Ann. Bot., N.S. 9, 31-
The relationship between photosynthetic rate and light intensity was measured at three temperatures for the greenalgae Chlorella sorokiniana. The profiles of photosynthesis, adjusted by the model of Peeters & Eilers (1978), demonstratethe increase of
constrain which individuals, bearing specific traits, persist in a community7. In any given environment this is likely to lead to the dominance of the trait set best adapted to local conditions, leading to trait similarity between co-occurring species and resulting in community-level trait ...
Estimates of sap flows obtained from data provided by constant power (Dayau-type) heat balance gauges under low light conditions (100–450 μmol m 2 s 1 ) were less variable than estimates from variable power (EMS-type) heat balance gauges. The EMS-type system yielded data with little ...
Though the adults have lost, to a large extent, this power of sympathetic colour change, the pig- ments react rapidly to changes of light. This reaction is most marked not when the intensity of light changes, but when the ·background on ·which the animal rests is changed from white ...
The neighborhood of the dislocation wall in a ZnSe crystal grown by the vapor-phase method was analyzed by light scattering tomography (LST) and a multi-channel Raman scattering apparatus. We observed the decrease in Rayleigh scattering intensity, the change in wave number and the half-width of...