relationship between amplitude and frequency although there is no direct dependency of the frequency with amplitude or the other way around. they can be expressed individually by rearranging the terms of the wave equation. frequency to amplitude formula we can rearrange the wave equation to express ...
when the length of the material is increased, its value of resistance also increases. when the length of the material decreases, its value of resistance will also decrease. resistance and length formula the resistivity formula can be rearranged to get the relation between resistance and length. ...
. represent the dot product or scalar product the above equation can be rearranged to compute the torque required to achieve given angular velocity and power. the torque injects power, and it purely depends on instantaneous velocity. relationship between torque and power to derive the relation ...
as the magnitude. if an object with a mass of 1kg falls with an acceleration of 9.8 ms -2 , then the magnitude of the force is given as : f = ma = (1kg)(9.8ms -2 ) = (9.8 -2 ) = 9.8 n therefore, it can be concluded that the relation between weight and mass of ...
gives a closed pattern for this sequence. then try with other initial conditions and find the closed formula for it. the result so obtained after trying different initial condition produces a series. check the difference between each term, it will also form a sequence. we need to add all the...
request otp on voice call login to view results name * email id * grade * city * view result physics related links list of discoveries what is wave motion mass defect definition screw gauge reading difference between balanced and unbalanced forces names of sedimentary rocks calorimeter diagram ...
Definition of Work. Learn the relationship between work done and the conservation of energy. To visualize concepts in a simple way join us here at BYJU'S
algebra and patterns to understand the relationship between patterns and algebra, we need to try making some patterns. we can use pencils to construct a simple pattern and understand how to create a general expression to describe the entire pattern. it would be best if you had a lot of ...