equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, waitField DetailTYPE_DEPENDANT_OFpublic static final int TYPE_DEPENDANT_OFA predefined constant representing dependent relationships. See Also: Constant Field ValuesTYPE_MEMBER_OFpublic static final int TYPE_MEMBER_OFA...
Equals(Object) Equals(TimeNodeMasterRelationValues) GetHashCode() IEnumValue.IsValid IEnumValue.Value IEnumValue.Version IEnumValueFactory<TimeNodeMasterRelationValues>.Create(String) Inequality(TimeNodeMasterRelationValues, TimeNodeMasterRelationValues) NextClick TimeNode Master Relation Enum...
<T>fromString <T>values equals getValue hashCode toString Methods inherited from java.lang.Objectclone finalize getClass notify notifyAll wait wait wait Field Details ABBREVIATION public static final HealthcareEntityRelationType ABBREVIATION Static value Abbreviation for HealthcareEntityRelationType....
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, waitField Detail LABEL_FOR public static final String LABEL_FOR Indicates an object is a label for one or more target objects. See Also: getTarget(), CONTROLLER_FOR, CONTROLLED_BY, LABELED_BY, MEMBER_OF LABELED_...
The present invention provides a programming model based on a relational view of the heap which defines identity declaratively, obviating the need for equals( ) and hashcode( ) methods. Each element in the heap (called a tuple) belongs to a relation type and relates an immutable identity to...
Return the relationship, the kind of connection between a source part and a target part in a package.(返回关系,即包中源部件和目标部件之间的连接类型。) Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait ...
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait Method Detail entityRelationExists public boolean entityRelationExists(java.lang.String relationshipName, java.lang.String fromEntityId, java.lang.String toEntityId, ReadOptions readOpts) throws IDSException, EntityNotFoundExcept...
I'm confused with difference and relation between these three. This is what I'm thinking: win32 API is API for windowsin C(not C++) MFC is nothing but a wrapper of win32 API for C++ . .NET happens to be an advanced and completely different from MFC or win32 right?
Object equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, waitField DetailTYPE_DEPENDANT_OFpublic static final int TYPE_DEPENDANT_OFA pre-defined constant that clients can use to represent depend relationships. See Also: Constant Field ValuesTYPE_MEMBER_OFpublic static final ...
<T>fromString <T>values equals hashCode toString Methods inherited from java.lang.Objectclone finalize getClass notify notifyAll wait wait wait Field Details ABBREVIATION public static final HealthcareEntityRelationType ABBREVIATION Static value Abbreviation for HealthcareEntityRelationType....