The correlation between same-sex and other-sex attraction was consistently negative for men, was near zero for heterosexual and bisexual women, and negative for lesbians. Thus, same-sex and other-sex attractions were, in general, more bipolar and mutually exclusive for men than for women. The ...
To expose the relationship between the predictor variables and the response variable, we use quantile regression. We found that a higher number of references, a higher share of references to publications within Web of Science and references to more recent publications correlate with citation impact. ...
,(ml,Pr(ml))}, such that • fori∈[1,l], mi is a mapping between S and T, and for everyi,j∈[1,l], i≠j⇒mi≠mj. • Pr(mi)∈[0,1] and ∑i=1lPr(mi)=1. A schema p-mapping, pM¯, is a set of p-mappings between relations inS¯ and inT¯, where every...
Using these data, we computed total energy intake, coffee, cheese, non-fermented milk and fermented milk, fruit and vegetables, red meat, soft drinks and juice, total fat, and saturated fat. According to validation studies of milk intake, the correlation between the FFQ and four 7-day food...
However, the first step of the BWM is to specify the best and worst indexes directly by DMs, which may have the problem of solid subjectivity; and the maximum deviation method does not consider the degree of consensus between DMs, which may cause the accuracy to be challenging to guarantee....
To extensively explore the relation between DNA damage repair and the efficacy of radio-chemotherapy of lung cancers, this study analyzed the SNPs in DNA damage repair-related genes. The SNP database (dbSNP) of National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI,
Rumex confertus is an alien invasive perennial plant that has increased its range rapidly within central Europe in the last 100 years. This study examined the effects of a commercial fertilizer on the competition between the invasive Rumex confertus and
Data are presented as the mean value ± SD. Logarithmic transformation was used for some variables (CA125, DT) to reduce skewness and kurtosis values toward a normal distribution. Differences between the study groups were assessed by using the Student ttest and one-way or two-way analysis of ...
The aim of this study was therefore to use WB-MRA data to compare the distribution of arterial stenoses in the right and left legs in an unselected elderly population and to assess the relation between a low ABI and the presence of high-grade stenoses in the different vascular segments. Ma...
TetR forms a dimer and binds to the two tandem tet operators O1 and O2 located between tetA and tetR in the absence of tetracycline. The genes have divergent polarities and are transcribed from overlapping promoters. When tetracycline is present, the [tc · Mg]+ complex binds to the ...