Sanjoy Basu examined the effects of market capitalization and price/earnings ratios on investment returns in “The Relationship Between Earnings Yield, Market Value and Return for NYSE Common Stocks,” Journal of Financial Economics, December 1983.Professor Basu ranked all companies listed on the NYSE...
Jacoby, G., January 2002, On estimating the relation between corporate bond yield spreads and treasury yields, I.H. Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba.Jacoby, Gady, 2002, On estimating the relation between corporate bond yield spreads and Treasury yields, Working paper, University ...
Using a simple theoretical framework, we issue two warnings with respect to the estimation of the yield spread - riskless rate relation. The first warning relat
their composition is largely similar. Presumably due to the change of the minimum-energy bond length and bond angles when moving from PBEsol to SCAN, the latter functional causes a shift of the pressures to more negative values. This leads to a distribution which is no longer centred at zero...
hessling.argentina: Relation between wheat yield and weather in Argentina Maize yields for four cropping systems holland.arthropods: Counts of arthropods in a grid-sampled wheat field holshouser.splitstrip: Split strip plot on soybeans hughes.grapes: Disease incidence on grape leav...
How would you explain to a casual observer why high-yield bond returns are more correlated to common stock returns than to investment-grade bond returns? Why is the correlation between asset returns important? How does diversification allow risky assets to be combined s...
The insight that bond yield, which is the implied cost of capital for bonds, may differ from the bond’s expected returns on average has been long recognized in the fixed income literature (for example, Vasicek 1977; Cox et al. 1985). Our study generalizes this insight to equities. The ...
Concerning the 5-HT2Creceptor, alternative splicing events yield non-functional isoforms of the 5-HT2Creceptor, and as many as seven functional isoforms of the 5-HT2Creceptor are produced by adenine deaminase editing of the receptor messenger RNA (mRNA). Although these receptor isoforms show no gro...
The bond's price is the amount that you need to pay to purchase the bond. If you're buying it directly from the bond issuer, you'll typically pay the same as its face value. If you're buying it from another investor, the price may be higher or lower. Thebond's yieldis the retur...
We estimate Bayesian VAR models in order to investigate the relation between Treasury yields and the corporate bond yield spread in Australia. Recent developments in Bayesian model selection allow us to formally assess the relevance of stochastic volatility and drifting parameters. A model comparison ...