related_name在django model中的应用 今天在学习django0.95的时候遇到这样一个问题,我在一个model里面定义了两个foreignkey,都指向同一个model,结果在syncdb的时候老是报错,要我指定related_name,查到django.com上一篇文章Relating a model to another model more than once。 举例说明,我定义一个model名叫Tag, class...
Django model 中的related_name 原因: class Apple( models.Model): origin_level = models.ForeignKey(AppleLevel) new_level = models.ForeignKey(AppleLevel) 一个数据表同时两次外键引用同一个表,使用 "xxx_set" 出现重名问题。 解决办法: 使用related_name属性定义名称(related_name是关联对象反向引用描述符)。
django的model中related_name和related_query_name的区别,# ForeignKey的字段:related_name反向操作时,使用的字段名,用于代替原反向查询时的'表名小写_set'。related_query_name:反向查询操作时,使用的连接前缀,用于替换'表名小写'。作用于反向查询的时候示例:
Django中related_name作用 相当于我们使用related代替了在通过一个对象查询出多个对象集合时,使用表名_set来获取 我先定义两个模型,一个是作者,一个是作者出版的书籍,算是一对多的类型。 class Person(models.Model); name = models.CharField(verbose_name='作者姓名', max_length=10) age = models.IntegerField...
I am getting confused with the usage of related_name in django models, i know that the idea is to give me access to all the fields of a different table with foreignkey i am just not sure how to use it. My classComponent(MPTTModel): ...
of a post using post.comments.all(). If you don't define the related_name, Django will use the name of the model in lowercase, followed by _set (that is, comment_set) to name the manager of the related object back to this one...
models import User from django.db import models from django.core.mail import EmailMessage # Create your models here. class Project(models.Model): STATUS_CHOICE = ( ('Project Manager', 'Project Manager'), ('Technician', 'Technician'), ('Tester', 'Tester') ) STATUS_CHOICE_1 = ( ('Work...
prototype直接进行修改 // 否则会为继承时生成的对象新增不必要的可枚举属性 // 同时可被for-in枚举到...
# from tests.models import ModelA from django.contrib.auth.models import User class Django16PrefetchBug(TestCase): def test_prefetch_bug(self): u1 = User.objects.get_or_create(username='hello1', email='', password='hi')[0] u2 = User.objects.get_or_create(user...
组件:Uncategorized版本:1.1 严重性:关键词: 抄送:Triage Stage:Unreviewed Has patch:否Needs documentation:否 Needs tests:否Patch needs improvement:否 Easy pickings:否UI/UX:否 Pull Requests:How to create a pull request 描述¶ class Tag(models.Model): text = models.CharField(max_length=200) chil...