Assquire(n.) fromesquire,venturefromadventure, the Middle English part oftaint(v.) fromattaint,spite(n.) fromdespite,tire(n.) fromattire,tail(n.2) fromentail,tend(v.2) fromattend. More such aphetic variants did not survive (stablishfromestablish,prentice(n.) fromapprentice),tice(v.),ti...
6,(despite)thecoldweather,thestudentsalsoinsistedongettingtoschoolearly. Choosetherightwordstofillintheblanks: Although...But...Wellthen...Wellthen...Nomatter...Always... If...Just...Not...Thatis...Therefore... Althoughhehasrepeatedlybeenratedasanexcellentcadre,heneverboasts...
【题目】2. Complete the sentences with a related form of the words in brackets.(1)thinking is essential for students when they are writing. (create)(2) Anne left Germany in of seeing his family again before long. (expect)(3) Jim was enough to hand in a science fiction story to his ...
After further interpretation and analysis he concluded that the Hopi have a sense for the continuum of time despite having no words to specifically describe past, present, and future. It is commonly believed that the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis possesses some truth, but the extent to which it is ...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate screw-related complications of LMS and CPS in the subaxial cervical spine. Methods. A PubMed/MEDLINE and Cochrane Collaboration Library search was executed, using the key words "lateral mass screw" and "cervical pedicle screw." Clinical studies ...
模型可以获得语法信息——Models appear to have acquired syntax 模型到底可以获得多少的语法信息似乎又是不明确的——Models appear to struggle with syntax 模型对于乱序的不敏感性——Insensitivity to Perturbation 语言推断模型过度关注特定单词来进行预测...
Attachment and meanings assigned to a place could greatly determine tourists’ and locals’ perspectives on pro-environmental behaviors, such as policy advocacy, green consumption, willingness to pay for the environment, or the protection of natural resources [2,3,4]. In other words, individuals ...
they commiserated with one another and tried to encourage each other to keep hoping for something good. They had kind words of encouragement for those who were opposed to them. They walked away from their time together looking forward to seeing each other again soon, focused on and hoping for...
We believe our monetization results may extend the evidence that the socio-economic impacts of climate change in the medium to long term can also be magnified through accumulated human capital impact from the immediate damages to the newborns and young children. In other words, the health co-...
Despite lower overall dust exposure, cotton yarn workers exhibited steeper annual declines in lung function than did workers in slashing and weaving; this difference persisted within each smoking category, indicating a dust potency effect. There were mill differences in annual change in lung function ...