early 15c., "unbelievable, surpassing belief as to what is possible," from Latinincredibilis"not to be believed, extraordinary," fromin-"not" (seein-(1)) +credibilis"worthy of belief" (seecredible). Used c. 1400 in a now-extinct sense of "unbelieving, incredulous." Related:Incredibly;...
Words related to credo: creed, credence, credential, credentials, credible, credit, creditor, credulity, credulous, experto crede
ReadingThe use of context to facilitate the processing of words is recognized as a hallmark of skilled reading. This capability is also hypothesized to change with older age because of cognitive changes across the lifespan. However, research investigating this issue using eye movements or event-rel...
So, sometimes it's hard for young people to determine whether online information sources are authentic or not. The following measures can help them judge the reliability of online information.First of all, young people themselves should cultivate a habit of gathering credible resources via multiple ...
9. PR is the new SEO. It turns out that one of the best ways to optimize inclusion in ChatGPT results is, perRand Fishkin, “getting your brand mentioned alongside the right words and phrases in authoritative media. In other words: PR. ...
Only minor cross-reactivity was documented for the selected NPFF-antiserum; 2% cross-reactivity was shown with NPAF, and < 0.1% with FMRF-peptide (Sundblom et al., 1997), making the radioimmunoassay more sensitive and the results more credible in comparison to immunohistochemical studies. The ...
Individual Differences in Susceptibility to False Memories for Neutral and Trauma-Related WordsPOSTTRAUMATIC-STRESS-DISORDERDISSOCIATIVE EXPERIENCESCOGNITIVE-PROCESSESEYEWITNESS MEMORYOLDER-ADULTSANXIETYINVENTORYSCALELISTSSUGGESTIBILITYPeople with a known propensity towards false memories may be considered less credible ...
As recognized in theAmgendecision, companies frequently decline to quantify the risks they face, instead using words like “significant” until the magnitude of the risks becomes more certain. Nevertheless, the court found that the failure to disclose the $10.7 billion amount rendered Amgen’s risk...
words into numerical data points, enabling AI to identify word similarities within text. Each text segment becomes a vector point, and AI algorithms measure how close these points are to determine the similarity between pieces of text. The closer the vector points, the more similar the content,...
Environmental outcomes are often affected by the stochastic nature of the environment and ecosystem, as well as the effectiveness of governmental policy in