"The bad job brings the good one": photovoice study with female and male waste workers in Rwanda Within the circular economy framework in Africa, sustainable waste management can contribute to improving the environment and creating green jobs. However,... M Surchat,M Irakoze,S Kantengwa,......
Pollution abatement studies related to municipal solid waste management in India: Past and future scope (A GIS based case study)Municipal solidwaste (MSW)Pollution abatement studiesMSW management statusGeological informationsystem (GIS)Landfill siting...
This could be due to the fact that this island fishing village has been vulnerable to cyclonic storms, and it has issues with population growth, waste management, and erosion [67]. Moreover, all of the study areas share nearly half of the reported plant uses, which is probably the result...
The conversion of primary bile acids to secondary bile acids by the gut microbiota has been implicated in colonic inflammation. This study investigated the role of gut microbiota related bile acid metabolism in colonic inflammation in both patients with
be due to the fact that this island fishing village has been vulnerable to cyclonic storms, and it has issues with population growth, waste management, and erosion [67]. Moreover, all of the study areas share nearly half of the reported plant uses, which is probably the result of similar...
Watts KS, Charles JA, Blaken NJR (2002). Settlement of landfills: measurements and their significance. Waste 2002, Integrated Waste Management and Pollution Control: Research, Policy and Practice: 673–682. Google Scholar Wei HY (2007). Study on gas flow in landfills of municipal solid wastes....
S8). Second, the future scenario used in this study does not fully capture the possible changes in spatial patterns of emissions, which might be caused by the relocation of industry across the country49. Such limitation would bias the estimation of cross-provincial health burdens. More analysis ...
which provided medical care to those affected by the contamination and established a program to study the health effects of the contamination. The act also required the government to notify people who had been exposed to the contaminated water and to provide them with information about the health ...
This study aims to identify the most relevant stakeholder groups and related social topics for the multistorey timber construction sector and provide first insights on the potential social effects—negative (risks) and positive (benefits)—produced by the prospective increase of multistorey timber constr...
Next, we present the literature background for sustainability-related risks and the management of these risks in the context of multi-tier supply chains. Then, we draw on the case studies of five multi-tier supply chains to empirically examine the topic. We conclude the study by stating the ...