## 7384 其他行业及相关职位 Other trades and related occupations, n.e.c. - LEVEL B 此单元组包括技工和其他未分类的相关技术工人,他们负责维修,服务,安装,校准或制造各种产品。此单元组包括商业潜水员。他们受雇于广泛的场所,或者有可能成为自雇人士。 This unit group includes tradespersons and related ...
The respective role played by time-based, strain-based and behavior conflict is examined Compared to research conducted on time- and strain-based work-life conflict, behaviour-based conflict has been under-researched as it is typically considered irrelevant to most occupations. More recently, however...
Probation officers monitor the conduct and behaviour of criminal offenders serving probation terms. Parole officers monitor the reintegration of criminal offenders serving the remainder of sentences while conditionally released into the community on parole. Classification officers assess inmates and develop reha...
Findings – Six occupations are reporting worse than average scores on each of the factors – physical health, psychological well-being and job satisfaction (ambulance workers, teachers, social services, customer services – call centres, prison officers and police). Differenc...
The influence of different geographical regions on the results also needs to be explored, taking into account differences in climate, lifestyle and subtle cultural differences. Although individual studies have reported results based on WHOQOL in Chinese workers engaged in different occupations, there has...
involving musclesand bones,suchastenosynovitis of the forearm, as occupational diseases since the evidence of epidemiology has proved that these diseases are obviouslyrelatedtospecific occupations, such as [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 目前,《僱員補償條例》已把部分肌骨骼疾病 例如前...
The social construction of the meaning of acute stressors: A qualitative study of the personal accounts of police officers using a stress counselling service The police profession is one in which acute stressors are encountered more frequently than in other occupations. Using the personal accounts of...
[...]protection for employees in the various trades and occupations in Hong Kong is closelyrelatedtothelengthoftheir working hours, the availability of appropriate rest time and the number of rest days. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 不過, 香 港各行各業 僱 員的職 安健保障其實與僱 員的工作時...
Objective: The aim of this study was to develop a systematic task analysis process for determination of minimum acceptable job performance in arduous safety-related occupations. Methods: A task analysis using modifications on established... Stevenson,Richard,D.,... - 《Journal of Occupational & Env...
Repetitive stress injuries to the elbow include: Bursitis Pinched nerves Tendinosis Tennis elbow Golfer’s elbow If you have suffered either an acute elbow injury or arepetitive stress injuryto your elbow while at work, you should seek immediate medical attention. Afterward, you must contact an ex...