gives a superb performance – even when she is just sitting isolated in her hovel all day while her husband is at work she is captivating and conveys entire soliloquies of meaning with every gesture or look. She is lonely and frustrated and it’s at least partially her fault because she’...
2INER: Instructive and In-Context Learning on Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition NERvous About My Health: Constructing a Bengali Medical Named Entity Recognition Dataset ESPVR: Entity Spans Position Visual Regions for Multimodal Named Entity Recognition Type-Aware Decomposed Framework for Few-Shot ...
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "one; as one, together with." It forms all or part of:anomalous;anomaly;assemble;assimilate;ensemble;facsimile;fulsome;hamadryad;haplo-;haploid;hendeca-;hendiadys;henotheism;hetero-;heterodox;heterosexual;homeo-;homeopathy;homeostasis;homily;homo-(1) "same, the sam...
At time of writing, 10 years since the project Call, right-wing mobilization of homophobia and gender conservativism is more visible in many countries in Europe, and in the UK, a Conservative government threatens to review human rights legislation, meaning that future commitment to equalities and...
it also conjures up new training sets for less common languages by translating english ones. another project involves creating multilingual systems primed on deep similarities between languages, meaning that once trained on a task in english, they can instantly do the same thing in italia...