Participants were recruited randomly after proportional allocation was done for each institution and face-to-face interviews were employed to collect data using a well-structured questionnaire adopted from the Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire and different literature. The data were entered into Epidata ...
Renée Govaerts, Bruno Tassignon and Jo Ghillebert made substantial contributions to the conception or design and the work, the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data for the work, performed the literature search and also drafted and/or revised the work. Romain Meeussen, Bram ...
(seeTable 35-2), the previously cited literature about occupational musculoskeletal disorders is now considered flawed; its quality was uneven and perhaps poor in some instances. Definitions of musculoskeletal disorders were imprecise; diagnoses, by rheumatologic standards, were infrequent; studies were ...
Literature Search Flow Diagram: Behavioral and Pharmacotherapy Weight Loss Interventions to Prevent Obesity-Related Morbidity and Mortality in Adults View LargeDownload Reasons for exclusion: Aim: Study aim was not relevant. Setting: Study was not conducted in a country relevant to United States ...
[14]. However, the literature shows that FSWs lack condom use negotiation skills with clients [14]. Furthermore, some FSW´s who are also drug users have low self-esteem due to self-prejudice of being in the sex trade, and therefore feel deprived of their right of choice regarding ...
Korean Translated LiteratureForeigners living in Korea Seoul Global Center BlogKoreans living in Korea Adventures In KoreanForeigners living in Korea Onlyinkorea87Foreigners living in Korea Annyeong-haseyo! HyojaForeigners living in Korea You Can't Hold Me Responsible.Foreigners living in Korea ...
Our analysis contributes to a broader and emerging literature that documents the complex interactions between climate policies, overall air quality benefits, and pollution disparities. Our research reveals two insights about this complex interaction: first, we find that different decarbonization pathways can...
ATF also educates FFLs about straw purchasing indicators. As part of the license application process, each FFL receives literature that includes information on that topic. In July 2000, ATF partnered with the National Shooting Sports Foundation to design an educational program to assist FFLs in the...
Most of the data reported in the literature report absorption of lead or its derivatives orally. Digestive disorders are the earliest symptoms: strong colic associated with pain, abdominal cramps and vomiting. There may also be kidney damage (tubular damage), damage to the central nervous system ...
um, you see, I used to work in a natural food store, and they had all this literature advising people to eat fresh, organically grown food. Working there really opened my eyes. Female Director: Did you come to the Organic Food Festival we had last year to celebrate Earth Day? Male...