Those with inadequate income or debt may experience economic hardship that precipitates stress from trying to afford current and ongoing financial obligations. Individuals may use various strategies to cope with these circumstances, both adaptive and maladaptive. Much of the literature describing burden, ...
For example, it is common in the P300-based CIT literature to use what is termed “self-referring information”—items like birth date, address, or telephone number—as an analogue for the critical crime-related information that an individual associated with the crime would recognize in a real...
The observed adverse effect of disadvantaged socio-economic conditions on the health of young people was in line with the existing body of literature [1]. It is worth noting that this study took place two years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although sanitary measures were relativel...
Ozawa, Sachiko & Pooja Sripad 2013, “How Do You Measure Trust in the Health System? A Systematic Review of the Literature.” Social Science & Medicine 91. Uslaner, Eric M. 2002, The Moral Fundations of Trust. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 210advances-in-psychological-science.csl ...
According to our scientific literature search, the effectiveness of a health education video in improving the nutritional conditions of older adults after surgical treatment has not been confirmed. Acquiring knowledge about their health can empower individuals to understand the necessary steps to take to...
Our study confirms and adds to previous literature of longitudinal associations between subjective social status and health-related quality of life, being the first to establish the association among older adults in an urban East Asian setting. Both SSS measures should be considered to be included in...
[14]. However, the literature shows that FSWs lack condom use negotiation skills with clients [14]. Furthermore, some FSW´s who are also drug users have low self-esteem due to self-prejudice of being in the sex trade, and therefore feel deprived of their right of choice regarding ...
A portion of the data results from examination of the relationships between math achievement and learning-related vision difficulties and relationships between adequate learning-related visual abilities and academic success.;Data for the study were obtained through an interdisciplinary literature review of ...
In Ethiopia, digital health literacy was limited to sharing health-related information [29]. Additionally, most of the literature conducted on digital health literacy was not specific to COVID-19 [[30], [31], [32]]. Hence, we argue that a study that specifically assesses the healthcare ...
It is the family or guardian’s duty to ensure the financial obligations to the school are discharged promptly, even in the case where their employer may be paying the fees on their behalf. Even though a student has been accepted by or is enrolled in A-JIS, if financial obligations are ...