paradoxology(n.) "the holding and defending of opinions contrary to those generally prevalent," 1640s; seeparadox+-logy. *dek- Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to take, accept." It forms all or part of:condign;dainty;decent;decor;decorate;decorous;deign;dignify;dignity;diplodocus;disciple;di...
direction of association between two variables X and Y is changed by collapsing (unconditioning) over a covariate Z; an example is Simpson's paradox for contingency tables. This article gives necessary and sufficient conditions for Simpson's paradox and for more general forms of association ...
"Alas, Time stays, we go" [Henry Austin Dobson The Paradox of Time]"Time rushes by and yet time is frozen. Funny how we get so exact about time at the end of life and at its beginning" [Sister Helen Prejean] Proverbs"Time and tide wait for no man""Time flies (tempus fugit)""...
direction of association between two variables X and Y is changed by collapsing (unconditioning) over a covariate Z; an example is Simpson's paradox for contingency tables. This article gives necessary and sufficient conditions for Simpson's paradox and for more general forms of association ...
2/ Jevon’s paradox is the counter argument. Thanks papa @satyanadella. Could be a mix shift in chip type, compute type, etc. but we’re constrained by power and compute right now, not demand constrained. 3/ The techniques used are not ground breaking. It’s the combination of them w...
Interestingly, we found a paradox between a certain good image associated with Asians and the perceived feeling of superiority in Spaniards. This has long been detected in the US, where Asians are categorised as the 'model minority', with a good image as hard-working, intelligent and ...
Teachers’ daily competitive and cooperative practices impact students’ motivation and academic achievement. The present research was conducted
"of the nature of a paradox," 1580s, fromparadox+-ical. Meaning "inconsistent with itself" is by 1630s. Competing forms wereparadoxal(1560s),paradoxial(1620s), but these survive in niches, if at all. Related:Paradoxically. Advertisement ...
to be SARSr-CoV hosts. We consideredR. paradoxolophusto be a subspecies ofR. rex103. We excludedR. monocerosbecause, although recent work has retained it as a distinct species104, no recent assessment of the species has been published by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.H. pomona...
However, this apparent paradox disappears if a specific stewardship indicator – i.e., presence of routine post-prescription review – is considered: a positive impact of this element is recorded on both HAI prevalence (-27%) and antimicrobials prescribed with no specified reason (-32%). The ...