Personal signs of warning in relapse prevention with schizophrenic and schizoaffective patientsBehrendt, Bernd
After being given a caveat about complacency, client did fill out a separate worksheet and listed 10 positive people, places, or things, and seemed to have an authentic grasp on what these should look like. Interestingly, he did choose to list “Think I can do this” in the Negative ...
“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Warning Signs of Relapse Changing your behavior isn’t easy, even when addictive substances aren’t involved. Most people who diet end upgaining the weight back, and most peopl...
schizophrenia, mental disorder, with risk of relapseMindLAB Set Home in clinic, self-monitoring for arousalpsychotic patients, and self-monitoring of warning signslimiting relapse, patients in an elevated sense of self-efficacycoping with prodromal symptoms of relapse, in psychosis...
WARNING SIGNS OF ALCOHOLISM RELAPSENo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.1984.tb05716.xDonald M. GallantDepartment of Psychiatry and Neurology Tulane University School of Medicine New Orleans, LAJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd....
relapse warning signs for bipolar chemically dependent patientsrelapse warning signs for bipolar chemically dependent patientsed with Terry Gorski's list of 37 Relapse Warning Signs for substance abusing patients. Alcohol andMogosky, Brian JoelDissertations & Theses...
CONCLUSIONS: This scale of Gorski's warning signs appears to be a reliable and valid predictor of alcohol relapses.doi:10.15288/jsa.2000.61.759Miller, W RHarris, R JJ Stud AlcoholJournal of Studies on AlcoholMiller WR, Harris RJ. A simple scale of Gorski’s warning signs for ...
Interrelation of warning signs in a meaningful single factor; Accuracy of model in predicting subsequent relapses; Administration of the Assessment of Warning-signs of Relapse to subjects treated for alcoholism; Reliability and validity of Gorski's model in predicting alcohol relapse.Miller...
Relapse preventionDepressionManiaRecognising early warning signs (EWS) of mood changes is a key part of many effective interventions for people with Bipolar Disorder (BD). This study describes the development of valid and reliable checklists required to assess these signs of depression and mania. ...
Fear of psychotic relapse: exploring dynamic relationships with common early warning signs of relapse using electronic once-a-day self-reportsABSTRACTStephanie AllanHamish J. McLeodJohn GleesonJohn FarhallEmma MortonImogen BellSimon BradstreetMathew Machin...