link 标签的 rel 属性全解析(The rel attribute of the link tag is fully resolved) link 标签的 rel 属性全解析(The rel attribute of the link tag is fully resolved) The < link > tag defines the relationship between the current document and other documents in the Web collection. The link ...
link标签的rel属性全解析(The rel attribute of the link tag is fully resolved).doc,link标签的rel属性全解析(The rel attribute of the link tag is fully resolved) The link tag defines the relationship between the current document and other documents in th
link标签的rel属性全解析(Therelattributeofthelinktag isfullyresolved) Thetagdefinestherelationshipbetweenthecurrent documentandotherdocumentsintheWebcollection.Thelink elementisanemptyelementthatcontainsonlyattributes.This elementcanonlyexistintheheadsection,butitcanoccur ...
The rel attribute in HTML is used to specify the relationship between the current document and the linked document. It is used in the <link> tag, and it can take on a variety of values, each of which specifies a different relationship. Some of themost common values for the rel attribute...
The nofollow link attribute was introduced in 2005 by Google to deal with spammy links that were being used to game the system. Currently, Google treats the nofollow link attribute as a hint rather than a directive. To better distinguish among the origins of non-natural links, Google has re...
Link rel Property❮ Link ObjectExample Return the relationship between the current document and the linked document: var x = document.getElementById("myLink").rel; Try it Yourself » DescriptionThe rel property sets or returns a space-separated list that defines the relationship between the ...
The rel property sets or returns the value of the rel attribute of a link.The rel attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document.Browser SupportProperty rel Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSyntaxReturn the rel property:...
问: Does it make sense to have a rel="nofollow" attribute in img tag? 答: The rel attribute is only for a and link elements. The nofollow value is to keep a web crawler from following that link (which might have affected the linked page's ranking based on your own). It keeps sp...
<link> Adds an external source to the current page. <form> Specifies an HTML form.<area> with relAn <area> tag with a rel attribute. The monitor area (in the image) is linked to a page that is not endorsed by the current site. <...
1.(General Physics) either of two theories developed by Albert Einstein, thespecial theory of relativity, which requires that the laws of physics shall be the same as seen by any two different observers in uniform relative motion, and thegeneral theory of relativitywhich considers observers with ...