rekordbox 是一款 DJ 软件,运用人工智能、云技术和自动化技术帮助实现舒适的 DJ 工作流程。支持多种音乐流媒体服务。立即免费下载!
rekordbox is DJ software that enables a comfortable DJ workflow with AI, cloud, and automation tech. Supporting multiple music streaming services. Download now for free!
我已经安装了版本6的rekordbox。我可以在同一台电脑上使用版本5的rekordbox吗?我可以在同一台电脑上使用版本5的rekordbox和版本6吗? 我想要使用之前的rekordbox ver. 5、但不确定从哪里能获得rekordbox文件。 rekordbox ver.5兼容DJ单元列表 Can I use rekordbox 5 for free? Is there a paid version?
5 décembre 2024 notes de version NOUVEAU Sur le OPUS-QUAD/OMNIS-DUO, la fonction de connexion unique a été ajoutée, ce qui permet d’utiliser TIDAL avec un compte TIDAL connecté via rekordbox. Remarque : mettez à jour le micrologiciel de votre matériel DJ à la dernière version. ...
rekordbox-Update auf Version 5.4.0Diese neueste Version der kostenlosen Musikverwaltungs-Software rekordbox bietet neue Funktionen und Programmkorrekturen.Neu Neues kompatibles Gerät: XDJ-RR. Traffic Light-Funktion (“Ampel”), um im Browser Tonarten zu kennzeichen, die harmonisch zum geladenen...
Try this Pioneer DJ companion app Rekordbox is an essential tool for DJs who want to manage and enhance their music library effortlessly. Its seamless integration with Pioneer DJ products, along with its comprehensive features and functionality, make it a go-to app for DJs of all levels. Whethe...
Download the latest version of our free music management software, rekordbox, to access new features and fixes. New Alphanumeric key indication (optional). Support for non-multicolored lighting fixtures that don’t feature color wheels. Improved ...
-So, you can prepare playlists on the go before a gig, then open your laptop and use it to DJ – all your changes will be seamlessly synced. -If your DJ equipment supports rekordbox CloudDirectPlay, such as the CDJ-3000, you can sign in and play tracks from the latest version of yo...
Versione corrente Offerta da Scarica rekordbox – App per DJ e Mixer su PC condividi su: Non devi più preoccuparti dei sovraccarichi durante l'utilizzo di rekordbox – App per DJ e Mixer sul tuo cellulare, liberati dal piccolo schermo e goditi dell'App su uno schermo molto ...
Trial version Ableton Live Sequencer for live or studio sessions 3.8 Trial version djay Mix music on your Mac 4.3 Paid djay Pro 2 Juke Out Your Mad DJ Skills With This App 3.8 Trial version Traktor Pro 2 A complete DJ mixing application ...