PERENCANAAN SISTEM REKAM MEDIS BERDASARKAN INPUT DAN PROSES DI TEMPAT PENDAFTARAN PASIEN RAWAT JALAN PUSKESMAS BANGUNTAPAN II KABUPATEN BANTUL TAHUN 2011Background : Paradigm of a healthy life can be the foundation for better understanding the complexities of public health issues. Four main factors that...
PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI RETENSI REKAM MEDIS PASIEN RAWAT JALAN DI RUMAH SAKIT UMUM PROKLAMASI KARAWANG 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 2 作者: SR Jannah 摘要: The hospital is a health service facility that organizes public health efforts. In carrying out its duties, the hospital ...
Penggunaan Rekam Medis Berbasis Komputerisasi Terhadap Pelayanan Pasien Rawat Jalan di Puskesmas Cisitudoi:10.36418/cerdika.v2i3.319Service is the process of meeting needs through the activities of others directly. Service to outpatients at the puskesmas is the main task of the medical...
PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN REKAM MEDIS ELEKTRONIK TERHADAP EFEKTIVITAS PELAYANAN RAWAT JALAN DI RUMAH SAKIT X KOTA BANDUNGdoi:10.36418/syntax-literate.v9i9.16238The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of electronic medical records (EMR) usage on the effectivene...
TINJAUAN LAMA WAKTU PENDISTRIBUSIAN REKAM MEDIS RAWAT JALAN DI RUMAH SAKIT KANKER DHARMAISdoi:10.59188/jurnalsosains.v2i12.568Background: The distribution time of outpatient medical records is part of the quality indicator of medical record services. The faster the di...
Tinjauan Lama Waktu Pendistribusian Rekam Medis Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Umum Bhakti AsihMedical record is written or recorded information regarding identity, history taking, physical determination, laboratory, diagnosis of all medical services and actions provided to patients and...