I am sorry not to have better news for you, however, thank you for giving us the opportunity ...
日常对话:“I refuse to work overtime without pay.”(主观反对无薪加班) 非正式拒绝:“They refused the dog entry to the hotel.”(直接禁止) reject场景: 商业场景:“The committee rejected the proposal due to budget concerns.”(客观评估预算问题) 学术领域:“The journal re...
“Revisebefore review;Rejectwithout review;Rejectafter review”: whymanuscriptsarerejected Martin Caon 1 ©AustralasianCollegeofPhysicalScientistsandEngineersinMedicine2018 O tenthepeerreviewprocessprogressessmoothlythrough thesteps:Anewmanuscriptissubmitted;appropriate reviewersareidenti ed,invitedandpromptlyaccept;...
在当前AI论文投稿潮水一般的形势下,采取summary reject是合理的策略。只是以我的体验,只有在自己的小...
We certainly understand that rejection without review causes great disappointment for the author(s), and you might be surprised to ?nd that it also causes some considerable angst for us as Editors as well. After all, none of us likes to dash the hopes of fellow entomologists. Consequently, ...
design parameters? How does the attacker adjust the parameters to make G and D achieve their objectives? Without these details, it is difficult to be convinced why the proposed method would work in principle. 5) The manuscript contains many other presentation issues that hinders the proper underst...
You can write: the algorithm is sound and their method is thorough, however, there's no mention of the various related previous works (e.g., X, Y, and Z) which address the very same issue, without such discussion I cannot evaluate the work's novelty and I must reject the paper at ...
If you receive a “reject with option to resubmit” and do not agree with the recommended changes, you are free to submit the original paper to another journal. However, this is not without risks, particularly for specialist topics that have a small pool of reviewers. It is not uncomm...
There are Canadians who provide the psychotherapy without having consumed magic mushrooms during their trainings, Francis said. She also said the minister believes the health-care professionals are making “sweeping and conclusive statements about the state of the scientific evidence” on ps...