无论是哪种情况,"Reject - Resubmit Offered" 都意味着你的初始提交没有被接受,但你被给予了一个机会来进行改进并重新提交。这通常是为了给你提供修正错误、完善内容或满足特定要求的机会。 在接到 "Reject - Resubmit Offered" 的反馈后,你应该仔细研究拒绝的原因,并根据要求进行必要的修改和改进。确保你充分理解...
science reject-resubmit offered"Science reject-resubmit offered" 通常出现在学术论文投稿过程中,表示论文被拒绝,但编辑鼓励重新提交。这通常意味着论文虽然被拒绝,但编辑认为它有一定的潜力,并鼓励作者根据评审员的意见进行修改和重新提交。 当遇到这种情况时,作者应该认真对待评审员的意见,对论文进行必要的修改和改进...
science reject-resubmit offered -回复 “Science reject, resubmit”这句话暗示了科学研究中的拒稿和重新提交过程。在这篇文章中,我们将探讨科学研究被拒稿的原因、科研人员重新投稿的策略和对拒稿进行修订的步骤。让我们一步一步来回答这个主题。 第一步:为什么科研论文会被拒稿? 科研论文被拒稿的原因有很多。
As I wrote it, I didn’t really think about how it could be labeled or marketed. I just wrote the story that was coming out of me. However, when it came time to find an agent or publisher, no one really seemed to know what to do with it. Is it a literary novel? A Young Adul...
The Molotov Cocktailis one of the few markets I’ll name in these lists because I know they don’t mind (I asked). Anyway, this is a cool acceptance because of how close the story got to publication in one of their contests. They always state in those rejections to resubmit the “clo...