2:12 Law: the law of Moses; “training” has the same meaning. 2:22 This verse announces the subject of the next section. 2:24 Envy: perhaps because Adam was in the image of God or because Adam had control over all creation. Devil: the first biblical text to equate the serpent of...
with which the present passage is concerned, was the same. It was only too faithful a forecast of what was to be Paul's experience everywhere. The stages are: preaching in the synagogue, rejection there, appeal to the Gentiles, reception by them, a little nucleus of believers formed; distu...
Strictly, To those who act in the spirit of a hireling; hence, according to the secondary meaning of the word, "to those who act in a spirit of factiousness and self-seeking." It is, however, quite possible that the mistaken derivation may have been current in St. Paul's time, as ...
1 John 2:23 Meaning and Commentary 1 John 2:23 Whosoever denieth the Son Jesus Christ to be the true, proper, natural, essential, and eternal Son of God: the same hath not the Father; or does not hold the Father; or "believe the Father", as the Syriac version renders it; for th...
The founder and war leader of the Meccan moon-cult, or ‘Islam’ meaning submission to Al Lah (The Lord of Mecca or moon deity) and his ‘only messenger’ Muhammad, was born, lived, died and was real. The sex-slaving, brigand and corrupt was first mentioned by name in a Christian-...
Bible Versions NCV Psalms Psalms 77 Psalms 77:7 7"Will the Lord reject us forever? Will he never be kind to us again? Read ChapterCompare PREVIOUSPsalms 77:6NEXTPsalms 77:8 Images for Psalms 77:7 Psalms 77:7 Meaning and Commentary ...
Bible. A Protestant Church is necessarily invisible, since it depends on the assumed agreement of individual consciences as to the meaning of Holy Scripture. Protestantism thus formulated was condemned by the Council of Trent in the sixteenth century, and the man does not exist who would dare ...
The Hebrew root for "turn" is "פָּנָה" (panah), meaning to turn away or face. It signifies a deliberate choice to abandon God for false deities. In the historical context, the Israelites were surrounded by pagan nations, and the temptation to adopt their practices was ...