If you have given the settlement offer significant thought and have still found it to be too low, then you can reject it. You should always reject a settlement offer in the form of a letter or other pieces of writing. First, you should type a rejection letter to the insurance company li...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 (Xinhua) -- More than 20 state attorneys general across the United States on Friday signed a letter rejecting an 18 billion-U.S.-dollars settlement offer from three major drug wholesalers, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal. McKesson Corp., AmerisourceBerge...
Comair Warns Its Survival Is Jeopardized If Pilots Reject Settlement Offer on Table.Reports that Comair Inc. warned its survival is jeopardized if airline pilots reject a settlement offer from the United States National Mediation Board in May 2001.Brannigan...