Reintroduction of Wolves to Scotland Would Be a Threat to LivelihoodsWood, Rog
释义 noun the reintroduction of trams in the city the reintroduction of wolves to Scotland 随便看 service serviceable service charge service member service provider service station servicing servile servility serving servitude sesame session set set about set against set apart set aside set-aside set ba...
None of the perspectives perceived lynx reintroduction to be ‘one step away from wolves’ (statement 39). 4 DISCUSSION We identified five distinct stakeholder perspectives on the prospect of lynx reintroduction in Scotland. Lynx for Change and Lynx for Economy support lynx reintroduction, No to ...
[popolazione animale, poblacion animal, south eastern states (usa), especies en peligro de extincion, comportamiento, seleccion, wolves, lombardie, censuses, selezione, etats du sud est (eu), lombardia, introduzione di animali, censimento, introduccion de animales, animal introduction, planificacion...
Provides an overview of the program to restore Mexican wolves to suitable habitat within its historical range in the United States. Taxonomy and historic range of Mexican wolves; Natural life history of the Mexican wolf; Population and legal status in the wild; Information on the Mexican Wolf Rec...
Predator reintroductions can enhance conservation by increasing abundance of the target species and other species that share these habitats (Deinet et al., 2013). Notable recent examples of reintroductions that led to recovery of extirpated populations include wolves in the western United States (Carr...
18. Golden eagles are native to Scotland. However, farmers are more concerned by thereintroductionof the only bigger British bird, the white-tailed eagle. 苏格兰当地本来就分布有金雕。农场主门更担心的是白尾雕的重新引进,这种雕是英国唯一比金雕体型更大的鸟类了。
In much of the Highlands of Scotland, wolves (Canis lupus) were eradicated by 1769, but there are currently proposals for them to be reintroduced. Their main wild prey if reintroduced would be red deer (Cervus elaphus). Red deer are themselves a contentious component of the Scottish ...