insurance n. 1.[U, sing] [~ (against sth)]保险(契约) 2.[U]保险业 3.[U]保险费 4.[C,U][~ (against sth)]保险措施,(预防损失、失败等 Life 1. 生命;生存[U] life n.[C] 1.生命;性命;生存 2.生命般宝贵的人(或事物) 3.一生;寿命 4.人生阶段 5.(物的)使用期,有效期;(权利、...
reinstatement clause of life insurance 英 [ˌriːɪnˈsteɪtmənt klɔːz ɒv laɪf ɪnˈʃʊərəns] 美 [ˌriːɪnˈsteɪtmənt klɔːz ə...
reinstatement clause of life insurance 英文reinstatement clause of life insurance 中文【经】 人寿保险的补足保额条款
Life Insurance Fraud Fails: Reinstatement of Life Policy like New PolicyZalma, Barry
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: reinstatement clause of life insurance reinstatement clause of life insurance分享到: 【经】 人寿保险的补足保额条款分类: 通用词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: ...
沪江词库精选automatic reinstatement clause是什么意思、英语单词推荐 自动补足保额条款 相似短语 automatic reinstatement clause 自动补足保额条款 reinstatement clause 补足保额条款; 恢复有效条款 automatic reinstatement 自动续保 reinstatement clause of life insurance 【经】 人寿保险的补足保额条款 loss ...
17 、However introducing unheated winter fresh air via window trickle vents would require the reinstatement of a heating system in each room.───然而通过窗户上窄条风口引进的未加热的室外冬季新风会使得每个房间重新加装采暖设备。 18 、reinstatement clause of life insurance───[经] 人寿保险的补足保...
Definition of reinstatement in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is reinstatement? Meaning of reinstatement as a legal term. What does reinstatement mean in law?
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A life insurance policy may typically be reinstated within 30 days of a lapse without additional paperwork, underwriting, or attestations of health. Insureds often pay a reinstatement premium, which is larger than the original premium. Insurance companies add the additional reinstatement premium to th...