A life insurance policy may typically be reinstated within 30 days of a lapse without additional paperwork, underwriting, or attestations of health. Insureds often pay a reinstatement premium, which is larger than the original premium. Insurance companies add the additional reinstatement premium to th...
摘要: Discusses the California Supreme Court case 'Ryman v. American National Insurance Co.,' which considered the right of the insured to reinstatement. Facts of the case; Conditions for reinstating lapsed insurance policy; Laws relevant to the case; Basis of the court decision....
Proposed Information Collection (Application for Reinstatement (Insurance Lapsed More Than 6 Months), and Application for Reinstatement (Non Medical--Comparative Health Statement)) Activity: Comment RequestWilliam F. Russo
Agency Information Collection (Application for Reinstatement (Insurance Lapsed More Than 6 Months), and Application for Reinstatement (Non Medical--Comparative Health Statement)) Activities Under OMB ReviewCrystal Rennie