Participant , /t5/photoshop-elements-discussions/pse-15-ui-too-small-after-reinstall/td-p/14002854 Aug 11, 2023 Aug 11, 2023 Copy link to clipboard Copied Hello, I use PSE 15 regularly, but had to reinstall it recently after a hard drive crash. When I now get into PSE, ...
In your case, it didn't complete the uninstall, right? If so, run the Adobe CC Cleaner tool, and then try to reinstall Photoshop. Once you log in with your user ID, it should recognize that you have a license. Let's get Photoshop installed first, then address the license. Use ...
August 2023 | Gilt auch für Adobe Acrobat 2017, Adobe Acrobat 2020 Diese Seite > Deinstallieren und erneutes Installieren von Acrobat Installieren auf dem zweiten Computer Installieren der Acrobat DC-Testversion Beheben von Installationsfehlern ...
I'm a retired engineer, using Acrobat 7.0 Standard, Lightroom 5, Photoshop CS2, and Elements 2020 for my own personal use. Like Irene above, I've also paid good money over the years for Adobe products and I'm VERY upset that these licenses become obsolete and not reinstallable ...