"test_simple_spread.gif")agent=Agent(Net(env))# 创建 智能体# 保存智能体agent.save("./...
与监督学习不同,强化学习不需要预先标注的数据,而是通过与环境的互动自主学习。 Reinforcement Learning (source: https://speech.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~hylee/ml/ml2021-course-data/drl_v5.pdf) 强化学习的应用非常广泛,比如: 游戏AI: 训练AI玩各种游戏,例如围棋、Atari游戏等。 机器人控制: 控制机器人完成各种任务...
Variational Discriminator Bottleneck: Improving Imitation Learning, Inverse RL, and GANs by Constraining Information Flow [6] We have implemented and trained the agents with the IRL algorithms using the following environments. OpenAI GYM Mountain car ...
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto:介绍强化学习很全面的一本书籍,相关的电子书及源码见这里。 David Silver在UCL的强化学习视频教程:介绍强化学习的视频教程,基本与Sutton的书籍可以配套学习,Silver来自于Google Deepmind,视频和课件可以从Silver的主页获取,中文字幕版视频Y...
smallbookcover.gif 初始化文档结构 Feb 22, 2019 弃坑了!!! 因为官方翻译版本已经出版,本项目停止更新维护。请前往查看食用:强化学习。 reinforcement-learning-an-introduction-chinese 本项目为《Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction》(第二版)中文翻译,旨在帮助喜欢 强化学习(Reinforcement Learning)的各位能更好的...
agent = REINFORCEAgent(env=env, gamma=gamma, lr=learning_rate) # Train. agent.train(seed=seed, num_frames=num_frames) # Test. Run the trained agent for once. agent.test(seed=seed) The above code are mainly based on Chapter 9 of Hands-on Reinforcement Learning [1] and my previous imp...
Here a new method, as an extension of Fuzzy Actor Critic Learning (FACL) and Fuzzy Q-Learning (FQL), called Group-wise Interpolation-based Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning (GIFACL & GIFQL) has been developed to make the method more general with higher performance, and also applicable in multi-...
Q-Learning Q-Learning works by watching an agent play (e.g., randomly) and gradually improving its estimates of the Q-Values. Once it has accurate Q-Value estimates (or close enough), then the optimal policy consists in choosing the action that has the highest Q-Value (i.e., the gree...
Reinforcement-learning-with-tensorflow-master.zip 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:9 积分 电信网络下载 QtHelloWorld.zip 2025-02-08 05:52:44 积分:1 Unity和Arduino联合开发的一款简单的3D迷宫游戏,名为udino项目.zip 2025-02-07 23:31:08 积分:1 ...
reinforcement-learning-an-introduction-chinese 本项目为《Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction》(第二版)中文翻译,旨在帮助喜欢强化学习(Reinforcement Learning)的各位能更好的学习交流。 中文在线阅读地址:《强化学习导论》英文原版地址:Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction 翻译进度: 第二版前言 第一版前言 符号...