Medical Economics is the leading health care business media brand for physicians, serving our audience of doctors through our print magazine, in-depth features, video interviews, podcasts and more.
When you are making coding decisions, we encourage you to seek input from the AMA, relevant medical societies, CMS, your local Medicare Administrative Contractor, and other health plans to which you submit claims. Cook does not promote the off-label use of its devices. The reimbursement rates ...
In this study, researchers documented commonly billed services to psychiatrists nationwide, and then compared the Medicaid reimbursement rates across states. They found as much as a fivefold difference, with Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Maine reimbursing the least for the same set of services. Nebra...
Some payers may have policies that make it inappropriate to submit claims for such items or related service. CPT® copyright 2023 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association. Applicable FARS/DFARS restrictions apply to ...
Represent large health care system and physician group as defendants in qui tam False Claims Act case before the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York alleging submission of false Medicare and Medicaid claims for podiatry services and for medical education reimbursement. Represent ...
Analysis of 2012-2021 commercial claims demonstrates that spending growth was concentrated among the highest spenders and there was increasing subsidy across enrollees through cost-sharing design. August 27th 2024 AQUA Registry Data Support Move to Value-Based Care in Urology ...
information on the statusofreimbursement claims;(vii) study the possibility of using the services [...] [...] 提高在法国的就诊费最高报销额,并确定在法国以外的就诊费最高报销额;(v) 将看病单据的时效期限由 三年缩短为两年;(vi) 开发基金参加者通过在线服务获取...
Medical Reimbursement/Billing Challenges Faced by the Market Are Only Growing Learn how claims reimbursement is currently being managed, as well as some best practices for leveraging specialty drug data to streamline the process. VIEW THE RECORDING ...
Medical claim coding and billing information for Medicare compliance and reimbursement - subscription required
Discover how claims reimbursement and management ensures timely, complete payment and provider financial stability.