Khrystle Rea offers online 1-1 reiki sessions, online reiki workshops, as well as non-toxic candles with hidden crystals, healing crystal jewelry, energy clearing sprays and more that help you connect with your inner self.
Reiki Music, Energy Healing, Nature Sounds, Zen Meditation. 灵气音乐,能量治疗,自然之声,禅修 油罐故事挖掘机 3441 播放 · 2 弹幕 灵气疗愈 清理 Reiki to Remove Obstacles and Blockages Energy Clearing 神秘学博物馆 3281 播放 · 2 弹幕
Reiki is based on the belief that life force energy flows through each of us at all times. If a person’s energy flow is blocked, it is regarded that this may be a contributing factor to the outcome of a stagnant or low, sick or stressed individual. The same may occur for your house...
energy within and surrounding the body). Working with Qi (chee) or Ki (key) -- often defined as life force energy -- these integrative, complementary therapies focus on relaxation,pain reduction,restoring and/or enhancing balanced physical/mental/emotional living, affirmative living and clearing ...
course and the main reason I was drawn to you was because of your animal communication, shamanic background and obviously Reiki. I’m definitely interested in pursuing Reiki level 2 with you, but not for a while as I want to be practising a lot more to feel the Reiki energy growing in...
There’s a pretty potent full moon out there (and moving through us) today! Emotions may be heightened, energy may be demanding, you may feel stalled or stuck (as a result of the mars retrograde) and perhaps holding on is the exact right thing for today… (or any day). ...
Medical intuitive readings and energy healing sessions. Discover the root cause (the “why” and “how”, the core imbalances) of your illness, disease, or emotional dissatisfaction with your life then learn how to heal them. LEARN MORE ...