Reigns: Kings & Queens includes both award-winning games Reigns and Reign: Her Majesty. Sit on the throne as a benevolent (or malevolent) monarch of the modern age and swipe your royal decrees to the left or right to impose your will upon the kingdom. ...
"Reigns: Kings & Queens brings together dynasties of Reigns and Reigns: Her Majesty in one regal presentation for the Nintendo Switch. Sit on the throne...
switch游戏《王权:王与后 Reigns Kings and Queens》中文版正式发布,这是王权系列的最新作,《王权 国王与皇后》本次Swich版本不仅支持触摸操作,也可以通过拆分Joy-Con手柄实现本地双人游玩 《王权 国王与皇后》本次Swich版本不仅支持触摸操作,也可以通过拆分Joy-Con手柄实现本地双人游玩。《王权 国王与皇后》将包含《...
Latest on Reigns: Kings & Queens We have no news or videos for Reigns: Kings & Queens. Sorry! Where to buy Reigns: Kings & Queens GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Reigns: Kings & Queens First Released Sep 20, 2018 Nintendo Switch Developed by: Nerial Published by: ...
re going to play Reigns: Kings & Queens — and you really should, for reasons I?ll get into shortly — the most important thing you need to know is that you can restart the game by going to the pause menu and pressing ZL and ZR at the same time for a couple of seconds. This ...
Reigns: Kings & Queens 9/20/18 Regular Price:$7.99 Nintendo Switch 2048 Battles 9/20/19 Sale ends:8 days Current Price:$1.99 Regular Price:$3.99 -50% Nintendo Switch Saturday Morning RPG 4/26/18 Regular Price:$9.99 Nintendo Switch ...
王权:王与后Reigns: Kings and QueensReigns: Kings & Queens Nerial 2018-06-30 7.78.0 独立 0想玩0在玩0玩过1已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 媒体评分7.7会员评分8.0 王权系列作品,不仅包含囊括多项大奖的指尖滑动游戏王权(Reigns),以及最新发售的作品,王权:女王陛下(Reigns: Her Majes...
Victoria1837-1901Born 24th May 1819Niece of William IV Edward VII1901-1910Born 9th November 1841Son of Victoria George V1910-1936Born 3rd June 1865Second son of Edward VII Edward VIII1936Born 2nd January 1894Son of George V. Gave up the throne ...
Reigns: Kings & Queens 王权:国王与皇后的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Whether you're a history buff or just curious about the kings and queens who have ruled England over the centuries, British Reigns is the app for you. Features: • Overview of prehistoric times beginning with the Neolithic • Comprehensive list of all English and British monarchs from the ...