In Columbia Pictures' new drama "Reign Over Me," two former college roommates Charlie Fineman (Adam Sandler) and Alan Johnson (Don Cheadle) run into each other years later and rekindle their friendship. Charlie, who recently lost his wife and children, has retreated from his life, while Alan...
Scavengers Reign’s reign at Max is over, but a second season could soon come to Netflix. Max has canceled the animated series after one season, but Netflix is open to ordering a second season and will make a decision about the show’s fate after Season 1 starts streaming on its servic...
On Friday nights, IndieWire After Dark takes a feature-length beat to honor fringe cinema in the streaming age.First, read the Bait: a weird and wonderful pick from any time in film. Then, try the Bite: a breakdown of the movie’s ending, impact, and any other spoilers you’d want....
The team behind Max's Scavengers Reign on how its influences, art style and stakes helped them create the sci-fi animated series.
The basic rule of the competition: copy phrases streaming across a monitor correctly, with the required capitalization and punctuation, as quickly as possible. Whichever language players chose, words were selected so that each would type the same number of characters.Then they went thumb to ...
Scavengers Reign co-creator Joe Bennett & supervising director Benjy Brooke break down the sci-fi series streaming on Max. Read on for our interview.
ETonline Streaming: Up Next LatestPlay All 3:11 Jim Carrey Reacts to the Idea of a 'The Mask' Sequel With Cameron Diaz (Exclusive) 2:12 Watch Jelly Roll's 8-Year-Old Son Noah Crash His Dad's Interview at 'Sonic 3' Premiere (Exclusive) 10:24 Inside Yvette Nicole Brown's...
cries, and the wealthy were despoiled of their riches. Thus it was in the squares, thus it was on the corners, thus it was in the temples, thus it was in the hiding places; for there was no place that could escape detection or that could offer asylum to those who came streaming in...
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If you wanted to learn more about MAX's upcoming animated series, here's how the streaming platform describes Scavengers Reign, "Scavengers Reign is about the surviving crew of a damaged deep space freighter who are stranded on a beautiful yet unforgiving planet. They begin to learn the true ...