“The Jacobins cited this precedent when imposing a Reign of Terror during the French Revolution. After the Jacobins lost power, the word "terrorist" became a term of abuse. Although "terrorism" originally referred acts committed by a government, currently it usually refers to the killing of ...
Reign of Terroris an epic two-part historical scenario, set during the French Revolution, playable as a stand-alone adventure or as an historical interlude for use with Chaosium’s premium campaignHorror on the Orient Express. “The blade is poised, a shining length of bright sharp steel. The...
reign- a period during which something or somebody is dominant or powerful; "he was helpless under the reign of his egotism" 2.Reign of Terror- the historic period (1793-94) during the French Revolution when thousands were executed; "the Reign of the Bourbons ended and the Reign of Terror...
The Reign of Terror During the French Revolution The Reign of Terror (1793 - 1794) refers to a phase of the French Revolutionary period when more extreme or radical measures, such as mass beheadings by the guillotine, were put into practice. While no single person was responsible for this ...
Reign of Terroris an epic two-part historical scenario, set during the French Revolution, playable as a stand-alone adventure or as an historical interlude for use with Chaosium’s premium campaignHorror on the Orient Express. “The blade is poised, a shining length of bright sharp steel. The...
Paris Commune: During the French Revolution, the government of Paris from 1789 until 1795. Established in the Hôtel de Ville just after the storming of the Bastille, it consisted of 144 delegates elected by the 48 divisions of the city. It became insurrectionary in the summer of 1792, ess...
reign of terror 听听怎么读 英[rein ɔv ˈterə] 美[ren ʌv ˈtɛrɚ] 是什么意思 n. 恐怖统治; 英英释义 reign of terror n. any period of brutal suppression thought to resemble the Reign of Terror in France the historic period (1793-94) during the French Revolution when ...
the historic period (1793-94) during the French Revolution when thousands were executed相似短语 the Reign of Terror [史]恐怖时期(1793-1794) reign of terror n. 恐怖统治 a reign of terror n. 恐怖统治 be the terror of 使...恐怖的人[事]对...是一个恐怖 in terror of 对…胆战心惊...
Led by theologian John Calvin, Protestants carried out their own reign of terror. 在神学家约翰·喀尔文领导下的基督新教徒曾执行其本身所定的恐怖政策。 jw2019 They came to power during the Reign of Terror and played a significant role in the French Revolution. 他們在恐怖統治期間得到權力並...
The Reign of Terror: The Reign of Terror refers to a phase of the French Revolution from 1793 to 1794. During this period, France was basically ruled by a committee of 12 men called the Committee of Public Safety, headed by Maximilien Robespierre. Thousands of people were tried and found ...