Green 2014) Green, YZoiosneifs.m20(H14e.brTehwe).RTeeilgAnvoivf :KTienlgASvoivloUmnoivne: rDsiitpyloPmreastsi.c and Economic Perspectives. Jewish Bible QuartGerrleye4n2,:Y1o5s1e-f5. 82.014. The Reign of King Solomon: Diplomatic and Economic Perspectives. Jewish Bible Quarterly 42:...
美国独立战争发生在英王乔治三世统治时期。 His reign is also notable for the defeat of a great bengali raid他的朝代也因击退了一次孟加拉人大规模的进攻而出名。 With the reign of King Solomon the brief glory of the hebrews ends希伯来人短暂的荣华与所罗门王的统治同时结束。 During the Re...
在位时代, 在位時代是“reign (of a king, emperor etc)"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:In other words, one should not be misled by the apparent calm reigning in Haiti today. ↔ 换言之,人们不应该被今天海地境内占上风的看来是平静的局面所误导。
This was after the glorious reign of King Solomon. jw2019 In the glorious reign of our sovereign Lord King Henry, OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Come on, every kid from here to Hibernia knows the tales of your long and glorious reign. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 And after his coming again shall begin...
酷狗音乐为您提供由King Solomon演唱的高清音质无损Cent 2 Reignmp3在线听,听Cent 2 Reign,只来酷狗音乐!
The real reign with Christ spoken about in the Scriptures is the one that has every man ruling and reigning in His kingdomwithin ushaving dominion over sin and the lusts of our flesh. This is our focus and our prayer that this rulership, our being risen to reign with Him in righteousnes...
include compliance, capital raising, and investment functions of the firm. Acheampong utilizes his years of experience as an associate at the private equity firm Summit Partners and an analyst at Goldman Sachs . He's also an entrepreneur in residence at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology...
更多“During Solomon’s reign, the Israelite kingdom reached its height of prosperity in history.()”相关的问题 第1题 Slowing Aging: Way to Fight Diseases in 21st Century A group of aging experts from the United States and the United Kingdom suggest that the best strategy for preventing an...
参考例句 1. The Queen of Britain reigns, but she does not rule or govern. 英国女王是国家元首,但不治国事。 2. Anarchyreignedfollowing the death of the king. 国王死“后”出现了“无”政府混乱状态。 3. And Solomonreignedin Jerusalem over all Israel forty years. ...
A king will reign for righteousness itself.” (Isaia 31:4) “Ngai teh, fel taka rorêl tûr lal a lo awm ang,” tih thutiam pawh a awm a ni. jw2019 20 During Jesus’ foretold Thousand Year Reign of peace, he will perform miracles in behalf of all mankind. 20 Hrilh l...