Reign of Guilds EULA 语言: 界面完全音频字幕 简体中文不支持 英语✔✔✔ 俄语✔✔✔ 法语✔✔ 德语✔✔ 查看所有 6 种已支持语言 包括20 项 Steam 成就 查看 所有20 项 可用点数商店物品 查看 所有12 名称:Reign of Guilds 类型:动作,冒险,独立,大型多人在线,角色扮演,免费开玩,抢先体验 ...
此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏 Reign of Guilds 才能畅玩。 购买Reign of Guilds - Raubritter R$ 244,99 添加至购物车 产品不符合退款要求。了解更多 购买Reign of Guilds - Raubritter Edition 捆绑包 (?) 购买此捆绑包,所有 5 个项目立省 54%! 捆绑包信息 -54% 您的价格: R$ 257,14 添加至...
The game is out now on Steam, for £14.99/$19.99/€19.99! Table of Contents Resources | Crafting | Consumables Health | Guilds | World Maps Weapons | Armour | Blocks | Stations Building Objects | Containers | Crests Equipment | Furniture | Instruments | Creatures | Siege Strategies...
Sin Slayers 在离开一段时间后,以最好的状态重返 Steam。这是一款具有挑战性的 RPG Roguelite 游戏,您将在游戏中承担世界的罪恶,同时决定它的命运。当一切都陷入黑暗时,您是否还能坚守光明? Sin Slayers: Reign of the 8th 包括:来自意想不到的区域的新威胁修改后的游戏流程和平衡(无需两次完成每个区域)许多...
Reign of Guilds is a classic MMORPG. Dark magical middle ages: open world, castle sieges, economy and diplomacy, merchant and craft associations, church and mercenaries, counts and of course the King. In Reign of Guilds, one doesn't need to survive, build cabins, or cultivate cabbage. Here...
You can check outReign of Guilds on the official Steam page. Hit the request access button to sign up for the playtest. When I hit the button I was instantly accepted, so it sounds like there's plenty of room for testing.
Welcome explorers of the Reign of Guilds world! Today we are announcing the start of a special session of playtesting! Your loyalty and valuable feedback left during previous demos has been taken into account, elaborated and used to improve the game...
The PvP sandbox MMORPGReign of Guildsis making its final moves before entering an early access launch, as developer Atlant Gamesbegan the seventh and final playtestthis past Friday, February 16th, and is scheduled to run until Monday, February 26th. ...
Reign of Guilds is a medieval fantasy MMORPG by Russian game developer Atlant Studio. The game emphasizes player interaction, whether through combat, diplomacy, trade, or crafting. Set in the Kingdom of Dwarrhan, players from various countries vie for po
When the PvP sandboxReign of Guildsopened its early access doors at the beginning of this month, developer Atlant Games admitted thatit wasn’t quite as ready as it would like to be. Now that the game has been out in the wild for a few weeks, the studio istaking stock of...