Reign of Guilds is a classic MMORPG. Dark magical middle ages: open world, castle sieges, economy and diplomacy, merchant and craft associations, church and mercenaries, counts and of course the King.Reviews Reset No reviews were found matching the criteria specified. We suggest you try the...
Reign of Guilds is a classic MMORPG. Dark magical middle ages: open world, castle sieges, economy and diplomacy, merchant and craft associations, church and mercenaries, counts and of course the King.
The teleport system is significant factor in development of the scale and structure of the realm. Players need the teleport tokens to use the portals. Some of them will be available, but some of them will be very hard to get. We already told about teleport system in our previousarticle. N...
When the PvP sandboxReign of Guildsopened its early access doors at the beginning of this month, developer Atlant Games admitted thatit wasn’t quite as ready as it would like to be. Now that the game has been out in the wild for a few weeks, the studio istaking stock o...
The PvP sandbox MMORPGReign of Guildsis making its final moves before entering an early access launch, as developer Atlant Gamesbegan the seventh and final playtestthis past Friday, February 16th, and is scheduled to run until Monday, February 26th. ...