Reign of Fire: Directed by Rob Bowman. With Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey, Izabella Scorupco, Gerard Butler. A brood of fire-breathing dragons emerges from the earth and begins setting everything ablaze, establishing dominance over the planet.
Don't Starve Reign of Giants Expansion Release Trailer Cinematic Release trailer for "Reign of Giants". Don't Starve Reign of Giants DLC - Autumn Teaser-1 First teaser trailer for the DLC featuring autumnal leaves and the Bearger. Don't Starve Reign of Giants Expansion - Winter Teaser-1 ...
TheReign of Giantscontent may be turned on or off as a single unit when starting a new game. In the 'New Game' menu is a checkbox labeled "R of G"; when checked, thecharacter selection,world customizations, and new game start-up will include all of the features ofReign of Giants(inc...