power of Mary Queen of Scots (Kane) when she arrives in France as a 15-year-old, betrothed to Prince Francis, and with her four best friends as ladies-in-waiting. It details the secret history of survival at French Court amidst fierce foes, dark forces, and a world of sexual intrigue...
Reign is one of The CW's new Fall offerings, and the show's star, Adelaide Kane, visited Popsugar Live! to speak about the project. The plot is loosely based on the life story of Mary Queen of Scots, though Adelaide admits it's been given a CW makeover to become "a little soap-...
PreviouslyonReign... 《女王》前情提要 MaryofScots'closestfriend, 苏格兰玛丽最亲密的朋友 herladyLola,hasagreedtobeyourhostage, 萝拉小姐同意做你的人♥质♥ inexchangeforherfamily'srelease. 以此交换释放她的家人 I'mpregnant.Withyourchild. 我怀孕了怀了你的孩子 Wemustmarry.Iammarried,Elizabeth. 我们...
《女王》前情提要 Mary of Scots' closest friend, 苏格兰玛丽最亲密的朋友 her lady Lola, has agreed to be your hostage, 萝拉小姐同意做你的人♥质♥ in exchange for her family's release. 以此交换 释放她的家人 I'm pregnant. With your child. 我怀孕了 怀了你的孩子 We must marry...
Mary's (Adelaide Kane) reign as Queen of Scots has finally come to an end, and even though we all knew it was coming -- come on, you totally hit up her Wikapedia page to find out whether she lived happily ever after or got her head chopped off -- it was still a brutal finale....
As the plague rages outside the palace walls, tormented screams and pleas for help go unanswered by the members of the French court sheltered within the castle. Mary Queen of Scots feels safe-but she doesn't know that someone using the secret tunnels may bring the threat inside. Mary ...
很成熟了惹 Forces of the darkness, forces of the heart. --来自助手版贴吧客户端飒ヤ爽英姿 皇室婚约 5 翻译 筒筒2u 重返故土 10 还是古装毕竟漂亮。ha啊哈哈 重返故土 10 好漂亮好喜欢紫荷红蜻蜓 爱恨缠绵 8 伊泽诺尼亚 异国岁月 7 大爱女王,整个人很有气场,很美丽但却不装,还有着小女...
Reignquotes from Mary, Queen of Scots 17. “It isn’t fair, the privileges we are given… or the prices we must pay for them.”— Mary, Queen of Scots 18. “We are King and Queen, chained together as surly as two prisoners in a dungeon.”— Mary, Queen of Scots ...
首先,是这部《Mary, Queen of Scots》(苏格兰女王玛丽,也翻译为“英宫恨”),由瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫饰演玛丽女王,格兰达·杰克逊饰演伊丽莎白一世。影片的表达要细腻很多,行刑场所是室内,也表现出了玛丽女王的面纱,蒙住眼睛的手绢,红色的临刑装扮等。但对于行刑过程的表现仍旧是含蓄的,结束于刽子手斧头落下。 木头楠木 ...
阿黛莱德·凯恩(Adelaide Kane)在风中的女王中扮演玛丽女王(Mary Queen of Scots)。 玛丽在剧中是一个充满叛逆精神的坚强少女,拥有一支女兵部队,是个会骑马舞剑的女骑士。15岁的她与四个闺蜜来到法国,她与弗朗西斯王子订婚,在强敌、黑暗力量和性丑闻笼罩的法国宫廷里,玛