导读:REI周三宣布,为了推进其可持续发展目标,REI 将于 8 月在俄勒冈州克拉克马斯开设其二手装备概念店 Re/Supply 的新店。要在商店购买二手商品,顾客必须是 REI 会员。 开设另一个 Re/Supply 地点是该零售商可持续发展目标的一部分。2022 年,该零售商通过 Re/Supply 的全渠道产品销售了超过 100 万件二手商品。
REI.com 现有 年末大促低至5折。 会员享受部分商品一件额外8折,需使用折扣码RESUPPLY20 订单满$50美国境内免运费。 部分商品仅限会员可享。 温馨提示:开通REI Coop members 需要花费$30,入会后只要笔一订单满50刀就返30刀礼!卡且此后次每购物都能返还10%消费金的...
REI 现有 年末大促!精选户外装备热卖 关注始祖鸟、巴塔、北面等 低至5折。 会员部分商品单件享额外8折,需使用优惠码:RESUPPLY20 优惠随时可能失效。 立即购买>> 海淘攻略: 商家对国卡和转运支持友好,购买时需输入真实的账单信息(拼音即可)。 全场满$50免美国境内运费,购物需经转运公司中转到手。
REI.com 大促低至5折。 另外,会员享受精选二手商品一件额外8折,需使用折扣码RESUPPLY20 订单满$50美国境内免运费。 部分商品仅限会员可享。 温馨提示:开通REI Coop members 需要花费$30,入会后只要笔一订单满50刀就返30刀礼!卡且此后次每购物都能返还10%消费金的...
20% off one REi ReSupply used gear item coupon by Dj B.-H., REI Co-op Member 20% off one Re/Supply used item Members save 20% off one Re/Supply item March 14–24. Use coupon code USED2025 at checkout. Offer valid in-store and online at REI.com/used. While supplies last. Ter...
members enjoy extra 20% Off via coupon code RESUPPLY20 Free shipping on orders over $50. $29.83 $60.00 The North Face Evolution Oversized Crew Sweatshirt - Women's $33.83 $69.00 The North Face Sprag Adventure Pants - Men's $198.73 $399.00 Patagonia Insulated Powder Town Jacket - Women...
*10% Co-op Member Reward is typical but not guaranteed. Your Co-op Member Reward is based on eligible net qualified purchases, which exclude REI Outlet items, sale, clearance, discounted items, used gear, gift cards, REI classes and events, shipping charges, service fees (e.g., rentals...
I like packrafting, tenkara fly fishing, alpine climbing, and have a particular passion for traveling long distances off-trail without resupply. I'm online elsewhere at ryanjordan.com and Instagram. Free Handbook Get ultralight backpacking skills, gear info, philosophy, news, and more....
Zero Day:Any day when you're not gaining mileage toward the end of the trail; often this is resupply day where you lay over in a nearby town. Nero Day:Nearly a zero day. One hikes just a few miles, often spending most of the day in a nearby town. ...