Residential Eating Disorder Treatment Centers in Florida Those battling an eating disorder may find solace and rejuvenation in Florida, with its pleasant climate and stunning beaches. Anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating disorder, and other eating disorders are treated in one of the several residential treat...
In my opinion, not every physical therapist is qualified to treat ACLs from start to finish. While this statement may ruffle some feathers, let me present you with an analogy that may help put things in perspective. If your car starts having issues, do you take it to just any average mec...
Gait asymmetry in patients with Parkinson’s disease and elderly fallers: when does the bilateral coordination of gait require attention? Exp Brain Res. 2007;177:336–46. Article PubMed Google Scholar Laroche DP, Cook SB, Mackala K. Strength ...
Shady practices are common in online rehab marketing, including Google and SEO scams that redirect callers away from legitimate treatment centers.
There is also increasing evidence that the motor cortex and possibly other descending input is critical for functional walking in humans: in adults the role of supraspinal centers on gait parameters has been studied mainly by magnetic or electric transcranial stimulation (TMS) [21,22], by electro...