SI 2005/1541 Regulatory reform (fire safety) order 2005Legislation UK
The prosecution followed an inspection of the premises by Fire Safety Enforcement Officers from St Annes Fire Station and Housing Officers from Fylde Borough Council, which resulted in De'Ath being issued with Prohibition Notices to improve fire safety in the buildings. The three premises, all in ...
For example, installing a gas stove in New York City requires a separate fire-department inspection; using liquefied carbon dioxide or petroleum gases requires separate permits; and commercial vehicles face a separate city tax. Even when it comes to cooking at home, there are state and local ...
Washington is in a regulatory growth spurt. Hundreds of rulemaking proceedings are underway or impending under the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank) and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), both enacted in 2010. The Environmental Protection Agency is ...
Prospective investors should ensure, and by placing an order, prospective investors are deemed to confirm, that orders placed are bona fide, are not inflated and do not constitute duplicated orders (i.e. two or more corresponding or identical orders placed via two or more CMIs). If a ...
Until the passage of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act in 2002, there were no major limits on the size of contributions to party soft money accounts. And, pending the outcome of current court action, the strict limits imposed by this legislation may become nullified. When we examine the ...
and dioxin.23 EPA refers in the preamble to its proposed rule to the (unquantified) benefits of "reducing the exposure to close to 450 tons of [hazardous air 22Allen Puckett III, Written Testimony before the House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial and An...
But Schapiro had one clear and high-profile failure when it came to implementing reform of the money market fund industry. The money market fund industry played a big role in the 2008 financial crisis when the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy triggered a run on these funds. In order to promote fina...
2022, Fire Safety Journal Show abstract The effect of parental regulatory focus on the loneliness stigma of college children 2024, BMC Public Health Goal Complexes: a New Approach to Studying the Coordination, Consequences, and Social Contexts of Pursuing Multiple Goals 2022, Educational Psychology Rev...
If President Obama is not getting the help he needs to enact his reform, he, like TR and FDR before him, has to start banging some skulls together. He does have the power to do so. Likewise, Congress and the Courts. These agencies do not exist in a vacuum. “The President appoints...