of SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) as regulatory body for the protection of investors' money. The Primary function of Securities and Exchange Board of India under the SEBI Act, 1992 is the protection of the investors' interest and the healthy development of Indian financial markets...
Regulatory function of RBI Monetary control Banker to the govt. Issuer of note Banker’s Bank Controller of credit Custodian of foreign reserves Regulators of banking services Developmental/Promotional Functions of RBI Developmental of the financial system Developmental of agriculture Provision of industrial...
Then, the mimics or inhibitors of selected miRNAs were transfected into Bads-200 cells to detect their function in chemoresistant regulation, respectively. Table 1 lists some of the miRNAs that have the ability to control the drug resistance. Among all miRNAs that were detected as having an ...
Itmandates SEBI to perform a dualfunction: investor protection through regulation of the securitiesmarket and fostering the development of this market. SEBI has been vested most of the functionsand powers under the Securities Contract Regulation (SCR) Act, which brought stock exchanges,their member...
ResponsivenessRegulatorsIndiaSEBITRAIRBIAERAThis paper seeks to measure the extent to which Indian regulators are responsive in the performance of their functions. The paper focuses on one function commondoi:10.2139/ssrn.2888310Anirudh BurmanBhargavi Zaveri...
controlling or artificially affecting the price of securities, or intentional interference with the free forces of supply and demand, ultimately causing stock prices to fluctuate up and down, disrupting the order and function of the market and affecting the free and fair functioning of the stock ...