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Passionate, self-motivated individual to ensure compliance to Regulatory requirements for Safety and wireless technologies (Cellular, Wi-Fi, BT, GPS, NFC, etc.). Ability to prepare position papers and provide inputs to consultations on spectrum and regulatory developments. ...
Home Remote Jobs Regulatory Affairs Program Manager Regulatory Affairs Program ManagerJob Company Lead global regulatory strategies for new devices and post market changes. Prepare product registration submissions for US, Canada, EU, and other regulated markets. Evaluate regulatory impact and compliance. ...
Our people work differently depending on their jobs and needs. From hybrid working to flexible hours , we have plenty of options that help our people to thrive. This role is based in the United Kingdom and as such all normal working days must be carried out in the United Kingdom. Job d...
Accountable for working with regulatory regional leads, other functions and vendors to ensure global regulatory submissions are provided to local Takeda affiliates in compliance with local regulations and to maintain compliance for products. Oversee vendor responsibility for regulatory activities and submi...
public abstract RegulatoryComplianceStandardInner get(String regulatoryComplianceStandardName) Supported regulatory compliance details state for selected standard. Parameters: regulatoryComplianceStandardName - Name of the regulatory compliance standard object. Returns: regulatory compli...
Indeed.com 上提供 30 个 Regulatory Affairs Leader 职位。申请 Sales Representative, Risk and Compliance Investigator, Senior Technical Manager 以及更多职位!
New Regulatory Problem: Filling Compliance Jobs.(First National Bank of Pueblo)Stoneman, Bill
35 (CAN) Meeting Regulatory Requirements for Canada Chapter 3 Employees with Multiple Jobs For employees with multiple jobs, the report provides information on only one job. The report selects the job to include based on: • Active job. • Full-time job. • Job with the highest salary...
PSSecurityRegulatoryComplianceAssessment Class Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.Azure.Commands.SecurityCenter.Models.RegulatoryCompliance Assembly: Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Security.dll C# 复制 public class PSSecurityRegulatoryComplianceAssessment Inheri...