2、medbecauseeachhadamoreorlessdescriptiveorpatentname.Nolaws,regulationsorstandardsexistedtoanynoticeableextenteventhoughtheUnitedStatesPharmacopeia(USP)becamearealityin1820asthefirstofficialcompendiumoftheU.S.TheUSPsetstandardsforstrengthandpuritythatcouldbeusedbyphysiciansandpharmacistswhoneededcent ...
Clinical pharmacy involves pharmacists working directly with patients and healthcare providers to optimize medication therapy. This includes medication reviews, counseling patients on proper drug use, monitoring foradverse effects, and ensuring medication adherence. Pharmacy practices encompass a range of servi...
Pharmacists Grapple With the Nuances of the Biosimilars Regulatory Process The Center for Biosimilars Staff July 9th 2017 This week, James Stevenson, PharmD, FASHP, professor at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy, delivered a webinar via the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. ...
• Oral l iquid formulations of domperidone should only be given via appropriately designed,graduated measuring devices(eg,oral syringes for chi ldren and cups for adults and adolescents) to ensure dose accuracy Additional advice for pharmacists: ...
Pediatric drug development.The goal for any new drug product is a safe, effective dosage form that facilitates maximum compliance through the course of treatment. Formulations for pediatrics usually must cover a broad age range. Drugs that must be dosed based on body weight or endocrine status (...
for example, Obesity and cancer, Obesity and Psoriasis, lung adenocarcinoma andS. pneumonia, which had been commonly regarded as unrelated to each other, but recently found to share similar molecular mechanisms. Additionally, it was found that both the type of disease and the type of affected tis...
Elucidation of human disease similarities has emerged as an active research area, which is highly relevant to etiology, disease classification, and drug repositioning. In pioneer studies, disease similarity was commonly estimated according to clinical ma
However, science is the foundation of all the FDA's wide-ranging regulatory decisions. It's physicians and patient representatives comparing notes on the clinical trials of a new drug; it's physicians, pharmacists, and other medical professionals poring over applications for new products; it's an...