The central objective of REACH is the protection of both human health and the environment from risks that can arise from the use of chemical substances, either on their own or as a component part of a mixture or item. These restrictions form part of a framework that Finder has followed for...
et al. Mitophagy inhibits amyloid-β and tau pathology and reverses cognitive deficits in models of Alzheimer’s disease. Nat. Neurosci. 22, 401–412 (2019). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Li, C. et al. Impaired mitophagy causes mitochondrial DNA leakage and STING ...
Bartera, F. L., & Ajzen, I. (2020). Control interactions in the theory of planned behavior: Rethinking the role of subjective norm.Europe’s Journal of Psychology,16(3), 401–417. ArticleMATHGoogle Scholar Bentler, P. M., & Bonett, B. G. (...
To gain a trait-based measure of perceived emotional resilience, the 6-item Brief Resilience Scale (BRS; Smith et al.,2008) was used as it assesses an individual’s perceived ability to bounce back from adversity. This scale was selected as it is the only scale assessing trait operationalisa...
Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) based on Reactome26 from the top 9.91% of the genes with increased levels 48 h pi (4,376 transcripts; Figure 6B) revealed significant enrichment of genes related to RhoGTPases activate PKNs (p = 0.368) as the top item of the ranked list. In addition...
Covert S, Cronk Q, Cunningham R, Davis J, Degroeve S, Déjardin A, Depamphilis C, Detter J, Dirks B, Dubchak I, Duplessis S, Ehlting J, Ellis B, Gendler K, Goodstein D, Gribskov M, Grimwood J, Groover A, Gunter L, Hamberger B, Heinze B, Helariutta Y, Henrissat B, Holliga...
The use of corporate power to undermine public health policy processes is increasingly well understood; however, relatively little scholarship examines how advocates can leverage power to promote the successful adoption of public health policies. The obj
Emotion regulation(k effect sizes)ASD (n)Control (n)Hedges's g (95%, CI)Prediction IntervalTest for effect(random model)Heterogeneity Empty Cell Empty Cell Empty Cell Empty Cell Empty CellzppI2 Subjective/Observation ER measuresEmotion regulation (11)Emotion dysregulation (12) 2201244 1892289 −...
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Methodological details for this task are described in a companion paper by Maier and Hare73. Briefly, in the dietary health challenge task (Fig.1c), one food item was presented on each trial, and participants had 3 s to indicate whether they wanted to eat this food or nothing at the end...