The port area was originally conceived to develop as a public marina, for which a dock was dredged 2.14ha and 3m deep, with vertical parameters based on concrete sheet piles. The dock is bordered by a boardwalk that is 11m wide. The idea of FONATUR was to cover the most elementary needs...
Please contact the Marina Office if you have not provided the required proof of vessel ownership so that arrangements can be made to ensure that a copy of your registration/documentation is currently on file in the Marina. State laws require that all motorboats; regardless of length; all sailbo...
Novel Perspectives on Drug Addiction and Reward Marina E.Wolf,Carrie R.Ferrario, inNeuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2010 A large number of transmitters and signaling pathways have been implicated in addiction-related plasticity (e.g.,Thomas et al., 2008). Our hypothesis (AMPAR upregulation co...
The request should include information on the number, size and species to be harvested, the methods, gear, and vessels used in capturing, holding, and transporting broodstock, the date and specific location of intended harvest, and the location of where the broodstock would be delivered. If the...
A marked TLR7/9 staining was observed on LMNA -RM blood vessels and muscle fibers and, when present, on infiltrating cells, mainly macrophages, scattered in the tissue or localized close to degenerated muscle fibers and connective tissue. Our results recognize innate immunity as a player in LMNA...
From neonatal tissues, fibroblasts were isolated by placing remnants of dermal explants (de-epidermised pieces of skin) into gelatine-coated vessels supplemented with DMEM/10% FBS. FSEC’s were isolated from the neonatal biopsies by digesting the rest of the tissue in 2.5 mg/ml collagenase in ...
Livija Deban, Remo Castro Russo, Marina Sironi, Federica Moalli, Ivan Cuccovillo, Sonia Valentino, Andrea Doni, Cecilia Garlanda, Silvio Danese, Barbara Bottazzi & Alberto Mantovani Departamento de Bioquímica e Imunologia, Laboratório de Imunofarmacologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Univers...
on phenotypes and field data. The technique was now transformed either using MAS procedures that are connected to specific QTL or qualitative traits. Efficient application of MAS to tolerance to salinity depends mainly on a marker being closely linked to either a resistant gene or a QTL related ...
Private waters, such as springs, small rivers and ground waters, are subject to the disposition of their owner (however, every person is permitted to water animals in or withdraw water with hand vessels from private surface waters). Fishing and shipping do not belong to the Water Law Act; ...
Their leaves or petioles have evolved to absorb nutrients or ions directly from water, reducing their dependence on root uptake [11]. Most ion transport systems in the plasma membranes of aquatic plants have functional affinities with those of terrestrial plants. In the seagrass Zostera marina, a...