A newly-developed paradigm to study social approach behaviour in flies reveal that social cues perceive through both vision and olfaction converged in a central brain region, the γ lobe of the mushroom body, which exhibite activation in response to social experience. The activity of these γ ...
Thus, JNK is acti- vated in the presence of high ROS generated by a small subset of mitochondrial defects, and elevated JNK activity suffices to inhibit FSC function. To confirm the causal connection between elevated ROS pro- duction and impaired FSC function, we sought to suppress ROS ...
Thyroid hormones exert their effects through interactions with thyroid receptors that directly bind thyroid response elements and can alter transcriptional activity of target genes. The effects of short-term thyroid hormone perturbation on hepatic mRNA transcription in juvenile mice were evaluated, with the...
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) and their role during tumor development have been studied in great detail during the last decade, albeit their expression pattern and regulation during normal development are however not so well established. Previous studies have shown
Zac1 upregulation is required for HDAC inhibitor- induced suppression of NF-jB activity. As it has been shown previously that Zac1 functions as a p53 transcription cofactor,16 we examined whether the p53 pathway is involved in the apoptosis. When F9 cells were treated with TSA for 12 h, ...
The Thbs1 type-1 repeat domains are implicated in mediating inhibition of endothelial cell activity and in the direct binding and activation of TGFβ in vivo18,19. To analyze these potential effector functions in directing the atrophy phenotype, we generated a second Thbs1 overexpressing transgenic...
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is the main entry point in airway epithelial cells for SARS-CoV-2. ACE2 binding to the SARS-CoV-2 protein spike triggers viral fusion with the cell plasma membrane, resulting in viral RNA genome delivery into the host. Despite ACE2’s critical role ...
Glioma is the most common and fatal brain cancer in adults [1]. Despite aggressive therapies with surgical resection, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, the treatment outcome is still not satisfactory due to the highly invasive nature of glioma [2,3]. ITSN1 is a highly conserved scaffold protein ...
CaCyclOp has the highest homology to BeCyclOp, and it also showed by far the highest activity, after BeCyclOp, that is,∼28–54% of BeCyclOp cGMP production in the light (depending on the assay,N=3), together with a slightly increased dark activity (Fig. 1). CaCyclOp thus has a ...