Y. Faroqi-Shah, "Selective treatment of regular versus irregular verbs in agrammatic aphasia: efficacy data," Aphasiology, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 678-705, 2013.Faroqi-Shah Y. Selective treatment of regular versus irregular verbs in agrammatic aphasia: efficacy data. Aphasiology . 2013; 27 ...
Regular Versus Irregular Problems and Algorithms. Viewing a parallel execution as a set of tasks that execute on a set of processors, a main problem is to find a schedule of the tasks that provides an efficient execution. This usually leads to divide T Gautier,JL Roch,G Villard - Parallel ...
present perfect). Once you learn the pattern for one regular German verb, you know howallGerman verbs are conjugated in the past. The irregular verbs don't follow the same rules in the past, but since most German verbs are regular, this makes your learning task somewhat simpler...
morphologicalcompositionversuswhole-wordbasedprocessingsolelyon thebasisofthenumberofaffixedformsattestedinnormalspeech.Inone TheresearchreportedherewassupportedbyNIHGrantDC00366toTheJohnsHopkins University.IwouldliketothankMichaelMcCloskeyforhiscommentsonanearlierdraft ...
Y. Faroqi-Shah, "Selective treatment of regular versus irregular verbs in agrammatic aphasia: efficacy data," Aphasiology, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 678-705, 2013.Faroqi-Shah Y. Selective treatment of regular versus irregular verbs in agrammatic aphasia: efficacy data. Aphasiology 2013 ; 27 :...
The present electrophysiological study investigated irregular versus regular verb form processing in Swedish during reading. In line with previous results from other languages, overregularized verbs, i.e. incorrect irregular stem+regular past tense suffix combinations (e.g. * stjl + de 'steal+past ...
The present electrophysiological study investigated irregular versus regular verb form processing in Swedish during reading. In line with previous results from other languages, overregularized verbs, i.e. incorrect Irregular stem + regular past tense suffix combinations (e.g. *stjal + de 'steal + ...
Leung,Yan-kit Ingrid.Verb morphology in second language versus third language acquisition:the representation of regular and irregular past participles in English-Spanish and Chinese-English-Spanish interlangauges. Eurosla Yearbook . 2006Leung, Y.-K. I. (2006) Verb morphology in L2A vs L3A: the...
Leung,Yan-kit Ingrid.Verb morphology in second language versus third language acquisition:the representation of regular and irregular past participles in English-Spanish and Chinese-English-Spanish interlangauges. Eurosla Yearbook . 2006Leung, Y.-K. I. (2006) Verb morphology in L2A vs L3A: the...