Do we practice regular verbs in the present with exercises? Give it a go and test your knowledge the examples of sentences correct form of the present tense: regular in Spanish of each verb: En mi familia todos ___ (comer, nosotros) paella los domingos. En Hispania los alumnos ___...
Regular -er verbs in Spanish have the following endings: -o, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en For example, take comer (to eat) yo como nosotros/as comemos tú comes vosotros/as coméis él/ella/Usted come ellos/as/Uds. comen Hope that helps! Upvote • 0 Downvote Add comment Hop...
regular verbs 5 : of, relating to, or being a permanent army of a country regularly ˈreg-yə-lər-lē adverb regular 2 of 2 noun 1 : a member of the clergy who belongs to a religious community 2 : a soldier in a regular army 3 : a player on an athletic team wh...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See More 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
Still facing difficulties with 'Regular verbs in the imperfect tense'? Learn and enhance your Spanish grammar through our online Spanish course. Start with a free test and improve today! TEST YOUR SPANISH What our users say: Pleasure Victor (Cologne, Germany) ...
Still facing difficulties with 'Regular verbs in the present subjunctive tense'? Learn and enhance your Spanish grammar through our online Spanish course. Start with a free test and improve today! TEST YOUR SPANISH What our users say: Pleasure ...
Decorate your classroom with this colorful poster of -AR -ER -IR verbs in the present tense. Then, print copies of the black and white handout for your students. The poster and handout include the verb conjugation in singular and plural with examples. ...
Spanish Grammar Preterite Tense Regular -ar Verbs Overview To conjugate a regular -ar verb in the preterite tense, replace the infinitive ending with the correct ending for each pronoun. The table below shows the endings for regular -ar verbs. yo é tú aste Ud./ él/ ella ó nosotros ...
Spanish Grammar Present Indicative Regular -er Verbs Overview Let's consider the present tense of a regular (er) verb. The verb meaning (must, should, ought to) in Spanish is deber.Take off the -er ending: deber - er = debNow we add on one of the present tense endings: ...
It hasregular and irregular verbs, compounds and a small vocabulary. ParaCrawl Corpus ¿Quieres aprender más acerca de la conjugación deverbos regulares e irregulares, modos, tiempos, etc? Do you want to learn more about the backgrounds of Spanishverb conjugations, modes, tenses etc?