Want to print this verb chart?Click here Translated sentences containing 'regular' Sí, regular. Yes, regular. Por lo regular leo los editoriales primero. I usually read the editorials first. [more Spanish sentences with regular] Use our Spanish Verb Conjugation Tool (and translator) to conjugat...
Spanish Regular Verbs Chart for -AR -ER -IR Verbs in Present Tense You will receive by email a total of 4 files: 1. Color Printable Poster in Tabloid Size (11″ x 17″) 2. Color Printable Poster in Legal Size (8.5″ x 14″) 3. Color Printable Poster in Letter Size (8.5″ x 11...
開始學習ETER and ELER verb conjugation present tense (semi regular verbs)。利用單詞卡、遊戲和其他學習工具來學習字彙、詞語等項目。